S.I.C.K. Pen Ministries
SICK Ministry publicly gives all the glory for our lives and our ministry to Jesus Christ. Only by the blood and thru his grace are we able to be here as a whole. SICK Ministry is NOT about religion. We are a group of people who have all come to the same understanding but almost all of us came from different circumstances. Whether it be from prison, jail, the Bible, The Big Book, the basic text, church, or attempted suicide, the list can go on. Whichever one of those it may have been, it was a saving point in our lives. But when we lay it all down at the feet of our Lord and Savior that is when miracles happen. This is a totally spiritual group. Our goal is to bring true recovery to Wichita Falls, and that can only be done of all groups start uniting together instead of being separated. We all know three people can usually accomplish more than one. Especially when they truly support each other and work together.
SICK Pen Ministry is a place where all groups, all denominations, all those still using and hopefully looking for a way out, all those suffering from alcoholism, those suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts can go and find the fellowship that truly relieves them of the anguish, hurt and disappointment that they have been feeling for so long.
Matthew 10:32-33
Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on Earth, I will also acknowledge before my father in heaven….But everyone who denies me here on earth I will also deny before my father in Heaven.
Team Leader: Jeff Peck
My name is Jeff Peck. I am a single father of two wonderful kids. I am proud to be where I am today. I don’t necessarily love the past choices that I have made but I for one am not ashamed of them. They made me for who I am today. I have lots of experience in living a double life due to drug addiction and alcoholism. My journey to become sober took quite a while. I was an alcoholic for 20 years and a methamphetamine addict for 14. I have been totally clean and sober since October 10, 2010. And for that I am truly grateful. I could not have done it without surrendering my life to Jesus Christ. It is ONLY because of him and the choices I have made by listening to him that I am even here today. I feel my calling today is to give back to those who are still suffering and looking for a way out. I am proud to call my church home Texoma Cowboy Church
Lay Pastor: David Wright
SICK Ministries Food Pantry
- Beef Broth and Vegetable Broth and Stock
- Brown Rice
- Canned Juices
- Canned or Packaged Meats (mac and cheese, chili, stews, soups, pasta)
- Canned Meats ( ham, spam, tuna, Salmon, sausage)
- Evaporated Milk
- Healthy Snacks (dried fruits and granola bars)
- High Protein Foods (nuts, protein bars)
- Peanut Butter (plastic container only)
- Honey
- Ramen Noodles
- Rolled Oats
- Soups
- Water
Hygiene Bags
- Baby Soap
- Baby Wipes
- Deodorant
- Dental Floss
- Diapers of all sizes
- Face Wipes
- Kids tooth brushes
- Kids tooth paste
- Shampoo
- Soap
- Toilet Paper
- Toothbrushes
- Tooth Paste